> Reference Database


.NET  7
Artificial Intelligence  7
  Group behavior  2
  Path finding  16
    A* and its derivatives  6
  Pattern recognition  1
  Steering behavior  2
  World interaction  4
Audio  0
  DirectX  8
  DSP  5
  Ogg Vorbis  2
  OpenAL  1
  Windows  1
Computer Science  2
  Algorithms & data structures  12
    BSP trees  8
  Encryption  12
  Randomness & noise  11
Data storage  4
  File formats  14
    Image  10
  Resource files  2
Game Development  20
  Cheat & crack prevention  10
  Input  3
  Timing  4
Graphics  27
  Character animation  6
  DirectX  24
    Optimizing  8
  Illumination  5
    Deferred lighting  7
    Global illumination  8
    Lighting models  6
    Screen Space Ambient Occlusion  4
    Shadow maps  18
    Shadow volumes  15
  Image processing & synthesizing  19
  Non-polygonal rendering  3
    Ray tracing  3
  OpenGL  12
  Particle systems  7
  Shaders  32
  Simulation  4
    Cloth  2
    Clouds & sky light  7
    Fire & smoke  4
    Liquids  12
  Surfaces & Meshes  8
    Implicit surfaces  6
    Parametric curves & surfaces  7
    Polygon reduction & LOD  3
    Subdivision surfaces  7
  Terrain  7
    Continuous LOD  12
    Generating data  4
    Voxel engines  2
  Text  6
  Transparency  1
  Visibility determination  16
Languages  5
  Assembler  20
  C & C++  26
    C++ exceptions  5
    Calling conventions  12
    Debugging  5
    Memory management  7
    Optimizations  6
  C#  4
  Creating your own language  13
    Garbage collection  7
  D  2
  Java  4
  Scripting  3
    JScript & VBScript  1
    Lua  6
    Other languages  8
    Perl  2
    Python  5
    Ruby  4
Mathematics  3
  Fourier transform  4
  Geometry  6
  Linear algebra, vectors & matrices  9
  Wavelet transform  5
Object design  3
Physics  5
  Body dynamics  8
  Collision detection  10
    Polytopes  6
Platform  2
  Linux  1
  Mac  2
  Windows  13
    COM, ATL & WTL  8
    Dynamically loaded libraries  6
    Hooks  5
    Input  2
    Networking  6
    Screensavers  3
    Services  1
    Shell  2
    Small executables  3
    Windows  8
Web Technologies  8

Platform SDK Online Documentation
This is the documentation for the Win32 API. As reference when finding information on a specific function they are actually very good.

Win32 Programming
Prof Devi
This is a very extensive tutorial on programming with the Win32 API. It covers such things as file access, threads, semaphores, networking, etc.

C++ Home


MSDN Library


The Code Project

System Information
Jan 2003 - A Riazi
This little demo application shows how to get lots of different information about the computer. Examples: CPU info, OS version, OS folders, disk space, etc.

An In-Depth Look into the Win32 Portable Executable File Format
Feb, 2002 - Matt Pietrek
This article gives a detailed explanation of the Windows Portable Executable file format.

Top Issues for Windows Titles
Dec, 2004 - Chuck Walbourn
This article contains several hints on how to make your game perform better on Windows based platforms.

Gaming with Least-Privileged User Accounts
Dec, 2004 - Jack Lin
This article talks about the future of Windows and how users will have restricted access to computer files. Special care should be taken to have the application work well with this restricted access.

MSDN Library May 2006 Edition
May, 2006 - Microsoft
Free download of Microsoft's MSDN Library.

How to check that a player's PC meets your requirements
Mar, 2014 - Craig Edwards
This useful article collects tips on how to check various system capabilities, such as RAM size, video card RAM size, CPU speed, Windows version, etc.