> Reference Database


.NET  7
Artificial Intelligence  7
  Group behavior  2
  Path finding  16
    A* and its derivatives  6
  Pattern recognition  1
  Steering behavior  2
  World interaction  4
Audio  0
  DirectX  8
  DSP  5
  Ogg Vorbis  2
  OpenAL  1
  Windows  1
Computer Science  2
  Algorithms & data structures  12
    BSP trees  8
  Encryption  12
  Randomness & noise  11
Data storage  4
  File formats  14
    Image  10
  Resource files  2
Game Development  20
  Cheat & crack prevention  10
  Input  3
  Timing  4
Graphics  27
  Character animation  6
  DirectX  24
    Optimizing  8
  Illumination  5
    Deferred lighting  7
    Global illumination  8
    Lighting models  6
    Screen Space Ambient Occlusion  4
    Shadow maps  18
    Shadow volumes  15
  Image processing & synthesizing  19
  Non-polygonal rendering  3
    Ray tracing  3
  OpenGL  12
  Particle systems  7
  Shaders  32
  Simulation  4
    Cloth  2
    Clouds & sky light  7
    Fire & smoke  4
    Liquids  12
  Surfaces & Meshes  8
    Implicit surfaces  6
    Parametric curves & surfaces  7
    Polygon reduction & LOD  3
    Subdivision surfaces  7
  Terrain  7
    Continuous LOD  12
    Generating data  4
    Voxel engines  2
  Text  6
  Transparency  1
  Visibility determination  16
Languages  5
  Assembler  20
  C & C++  26
    C++ exceptions  5
    Calling conventions  12
    Debugging  5
    Memory management  7
    Optimizations  6
  C#  4
  Creating your own language  13
    Garbage collection  7
  D  2
  Java  4
  Scripting  3
    JScript & VBScript  1
    Lua  6
    Other languages  8
    Perl  2
    Python  5
    Ruby  4
Mathematics  3
  Fourier transform  4
  Geometry  6
  Linear algebra, vectors & matrices  9
  Wavelet transform  5
Object design  3
Physics  5
  Body dynamics  8
  Collision detection  10
    Polytopes  6
Platform  2
  Linux  1
  Mac  2
  Windows  13
    COM, ATL & WTL  8
    Dynamically loaded libraries  6
    Hooks  5
    Input  2
    Networking  6
    Screensavers  3
    Services  1
    Shell  2
    Small executables  3
    Windows  8
Web Technologies  8

A Heightfield on an Isometric Grid
2004 - Morgan McGuire, Peter Sibley
This article shows how a hexagonal grid is better suited for terrain rendering than a rectangular grid. For easier texture mapping and partitioning of the terrain the hexagonal grid is mapped to squares, with just a few extra edge vertices.

Jan, 1989 - Paul Bourke
This article shows how to do triangulation of discrete point data, using Delauney triangulation.

Procedural Modelling of Cities
2001 - Yoav I H Parish, Pascal Müller
Shows how to generate a realistic big city procedurally, by taking into account the terrain, density of population, etc.

Binary Triangle Trees for Terrain Tile Index Buffer Generation
Dec, 2006 - Chris Dallaire

Inigo Quilez - fractals, computer graphics, mathematics, demoscene and more
Inigo Quilez
Interesting articles on various areas, as mentioned in the title. Especially valuable for those who are interested in procedurally generated content.

Real-time Realistic Rendering and Lighting of Forests
Dec, 2011 - Eric Bruneton, Fabrice Neyret
This article shows how to render a forest realistically and in real-time. The technique is very efficient and allows for seamless transition from ground to orbit.

A Bitwise Method For Applying Tilemaps
Jan, 2010 - Sam Driver
Shows how to use a bitmap to choose tiles from a tileset to automatize the selection of correct tiles for transitions.